Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mock Layout Ideas

My ideas. I have several.

Website Person Blurb

I forget what all this summary business is supposed to be about, so here's my stab i the dark at it. The person I chose was Scott Kurtz:

Scott Kurtz is a professional cartoonist born in Santa Cruz, California in March of 1971. He's well known for his online comic PvP (or Player versus Player) which he launched in May of 1998 working for a client. A little more than a year later in June of 1999, Kurtz reworked the comic PvP and relaunched it as version 2.0.

PvP (or Player versus Player) is a comic that chronicles the adventures of a fictitious video gaming magazine company and the employees who work there. The main cast is comprised of 5 characters and is accompanied by a supporting cast of over 20 re-occuring characters. By 2005, PvP had reached a readership of 100,000 unique readers a day. It now currently has a readership of about 150,000.

For his work on PvP, Scott Kurtz was nominated for the Eisner Award for Best Writer/Artist in the Humor category in 2005, and received another nomination in 2006 for Best Digital Comic. In 2010 his work on PvP also gained him a nomination for a Harvey Award for Best Online Comic Work.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Magazine Cover FIN 2

Final, finished and done version of my magazine cover.

I got more feedback from the MUGID club, as well as some independent feedback from friends and other graphic design/art students I know and this is what became of my magazine cover. The biggest concern was the amount of space left over from the other design, and while I wanted to emphasize the "main article", I realized that the middle picture (while pretty) did not carry enough umph in order to hold its own as the entirety of the cover.

I've ended up happy with the design in the end.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Magazine Cover Design - FIN1

I think this is probably going to be my finished piece, unless I get some solid feedback from MUGID and a couple of my classmates. I'm satisfied with it, I guess?

I tried to go the route of "the main article also functions as the cover spread" angle and while I think I accomplished it, I can't help but feel that maybe I oversimplified it? I mean, when looking through other magazine covers with this layout it was generally very simplified. I don't know...

I also feel like I back-tracked and hit the sterile look I was attempting to avoid. Which is kind of not fun, but... Yeah. I don't know. I like how it turned out, but it didn't seem to be what I had initially envisioned  I guess visions change?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Magazine Cover Progress

Because I was sick and wasn't all that sure in regards to what I was looking at on the screen, I had to continuously print things out from my home printer to see what things actually looked like off the screen and in its proper format.

These are my progression images from my cover design. The colors are off since they were printed on my crappy home printer, but this was the process for it.

Cover Image Graphic

Finally finished the cover image composite. I won't get to have much feedback on it because I was ill today and couldn't make it to class. Hopefully it's up to par though. I mean, I feel pretty good about how it turned out. It was relatively simple in its execution, but came together relatively seamlessly.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Masthead Samples

I picked out my favorite Masthead sample of the bunch from my previous post and put them in the different fonts I had been eyeing. I immediately struck out CODE as a possible font when I saw how it'd look in this format. It's too imposing.

Here are each of the examples and their font name.

^ Glasket ^

^ Ambrosia ^

^ Limousines & Champagne ^

Masthead Ideas

These are my ideas for my Masthead for the magazine cover. I'm using Limousines & Champagne for the font at the moment, but I'm going to try each orientation in each of the fonts and see what they all look like and go from there.

At this moment I tend to be leaning hardest towards the 4th design. My 2nd pick would probably have to be the 2nd design, my 3rd being the 3rd design and I want to throw the 1st design into a shredder on the internet somewhere.

Someone should program that. A little flash space where you can upload documents you wish to physically shred and watch the little flash program shred them symbolically for you.