Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Burrr. The beginning of my seed packets.

Over the weekend I was forced to change my idea for my seed packet series due to time constraints with my other classes. The idea I had was far too complex and required more time then I feasibly had to give it, so I needed to think of something simpler while still conveying a depth of skills to satisfy the objective of the project.

I decided to change my idea to growing emotional supplements. We take supplements for a variety of reasons, but the main function of a supplement is to replace what we're not getting enough of naturally. Some people have issues with appropriate emotional responses and often wish they could react in the ways expected. This was the kicker for the idea.

I wanted something playful, because emotions are such a serious thing. The idea itself of supplementing emotions is both serious, but also ridiculous. So I wanted to give this serious thought and time in the presentation as a product, but keep the theme from getting far too serious fast.

My critique group couldn't identify to the colors used for my "serenity" packet, which is understandable I guess. Not everyone takes serenity in being surrounded by living, growing things like I do, so I need a new color scheme for it. Anything but blue (which coincidentally was thrown around a lot). While blue is used as a representative of calm, calm is not the only thing that makes up serenity. On top of which, my "anxiety" packet is going to be blue heavy as I associate anxiety with deep blues, purples and desaturated reds.

I need to think of the graphic that will go on the front of this. I'm not sure what to make yet. I'm going to doodle around and hope that it comes to me willingly.

I need to work on my border as it's apparently too heavy, and on my type. I'll look around at product labels in my house to see how they approach their name brands and product descriptions on their fronts.

Maybe serenity is like a soothing tea. Warm and light.

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