Thursday, September 13, 2012

Seed Packet POV

Seed packets. How do I execute, or really how do I plan to execute my seed packets? Somehow, lol.

Speaking seriously,  I do have at least a starting idea of what I need to do in regards to these seed packets. My first order of business is conceptualizing the sketches for the Food Network characters I plan on parodying. In figured my best bets are Aarti Sequiera, Bobby Flay and Alton Brown. Respectfully the three represent Indian, South Western and traditional American cuisine and they have their own identifying factors physically. If I play off those I can hint to them and incorporate their archetypes as best I can.

Next order of business is finding a suitable replacement name for Food Network and identifying my own brand name for the seeds themselves. I don't want them to be produced by the parody Food Network company, but a third party type company that the parody Food Network clearly has some stock in. Kind of like how you see those delicious chocolate cream pies made specifically with Hershey's brand chocolate but not specifically made by Hershey.

I need to pick my typeface for the company name, as well as the parody Food Network header, although I might look for the actual Food Network font and use that for the parody Food Network just to reinforce the Food Network references. If I deviate too much people might not get I'm parodying Food Network.

I also need to look for paper. I already know I want to use a brown toned paper, and possibly one with a little tooth to it. I like the earthy vibe it gives, and I really loved how one of the example projects looked printed out on paper like that. And with the colors I plan on using for the packaging it will come out really nice looking in the end.

At least, it does in my head.

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