Thursday, December 6, 2012

Final Project - Website FIN

This is it. The finished project...

It looks nicer on the bigger screen than my tiny 21" across monitor at home. Yay~

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Final Project: Website WIP 4

More screens of the website's progress. I feel better about it, I guess?

I mean, I'm trying to find more interview things with Scott in them. The earliest I could find in video was 2010... and that's 2 years old and doesn't exactly reflect him accurately for now. So I chose to go with the recording of him at PAX 2012 with the creators of Penny Arcade and Wil Wheaton playing a D&D campaign in front of everyone.

I mean, it has vulgarity in it... I sort of feel like it shouldn't be there, but at the same time it's really funny and it is part of him (and them) as a person (people) so... *shruggs*

I guess I should see it like I saw Martha Rostler in a sense: this is who these people are, and you can't just sensor the man and assume you're painting an accurate picture of him by doing so...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Final Project - Website WIP 3

Final Project - Website WIP 2

Eh. I don't know. I mean, this looks like a website, but it seems so plain to me in comparison to everyone else's I've seen. This is kind of his thing though, the crisp, clean structure of the comic. Maybe I need to change the banners or whatnot.

I'm technically almost done. All the info I wanted to present is right there, and the only thing I really need to do is create the banner buttons that link to his projects and insert his Twitter, FB and Tumblr links as well as some link-outs to some of the people and pages mentioned in his information.

Maybe I should somehow insert some of his character in the layout. There's all that space to the side, and if the banners don't take up too much room, I could totally do a floating image of one of the PVP characters coming out of the side of the column :T

Monday, December 3, 2012

Final Project - Website WIP1

Miiggghhhttt have forgotten about updating this thing when I started getting into the crunch of the last few weeks of the semester. Thankfully, I don't find this project hard, it's just a little constraining at times. But working within constraints is a good thing, shows your problem solving skills.

This is my current WIP for my simple website, which is on Scott Kurtz: