Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Final Project - Website WIP 2

Eh. I don't know. I mean, this looks like a website, but it seems so plain to me in comparison to everyone else's I've seen. This is kind of his thing though, the crisp, clean structure of the comic. Maybe I need to change the banners or whatnot.

I'm technically almost done. All the info I wanted to present is right there, and the only thing I really need to do is create the banner buttons that link to his projects and insert his Twitter, FB and Tumblr links as well as some link-outs to some of the people and pages mentioned in his information.

Maybe I should somehow insert some of his character in the layout. There's all that space to the side, and if the banners don't take up too much room, I could totally do a floating image of one of the PVP characters coming out of the side of the column :T

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