Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Final Project: Website WIP 4

More screens of the website's progress. I feel better about it, I guess?

I mean, I'm trying to find more interview things with Scott in them. The earliest I could find in video was 2010... and that's 2 years old and doesn't exactly reflect him accurately for now. So I chose to go with the recording of him at PAX 2012 with the creators of Penny Arcade and Wil Wheaton playing a D&D campaign in front of everyone.

I mean, it has vulgarity in it... I sort of feel like it shouldn't be there, but at the same time it's really funny and it is part of him (and them) as a person (people) so... *shruggs*

I guess I should see it like I saw Martha Rostler in a sense: this is who these people are, and you can't just sensor the man and assume you're painting an accurate picture of him by doing so...

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