Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Magazine Cover Questions

The following are questions in which we had to answer as part of our brainstorming process for out Magazine Cover:

Who is the target audience?

  • My target audience will be diabetic foodies. As someone who is diabetic and a foodie, I understand the degree of difficulty that is presented when one has a palette for all sorts of food but has to keep their condition in mind as to what they can and cannot eats, as well as the quantities. This also ties in with the nutrition theme I've picked as it can be very difficult for a diabetic to ingest the nutrients they require on a daily basis when having certain things limited to them.
What is the name of your magazine? Why? Connotations?

  • I like the name Food Beyond. It gives the impression that, like with many diseases, diabetes isn't the end of the road in terms of the particular journey you're on. In this case that journey would be food. It could also imply that it is possibly a part of a small series of publications in which they focus primarily on what one can do with themselves after being diagnose with certain diseases, for example Celiac, which is a disease that gives you a very adverse reaction to eating things like gluten. An example of how this would work would be something like; Food Beyond: Diabetes, or Food Beyond: Celiac.
What will your masthead look like? Do you have any ideas for fonts?

  • I do not know what I'm going to have my masthead look like at this time, or what fonts I'm going to use. It's something I'm struggling with at the moment as I could go many different directions with the idea of a nutritional food magazine without making it look sterile and hospital-like.
What images will be on your cover and why?

  • Food related imagery, prescription medications and diabetic tools are some of the mages I am thinking of incorporating. One of the biggest concerns for diabetics depending on their type is how their insulin or pills will react with their food and effect their blood sugar, so nutritionally they're very interconnected.
What will be your sell lines to entice your target audience?

  • Not quite sure on this one either. A food magazine for diabetics tends to sell itself most often, but probably lines that talk about being able to indulge in foods you love without spiking your blood sugar and those sort of things.

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